Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 5 EOC: Ad Categories

Endorsements: “Got Milk” Ad campaign. A brilliant and widespread, yet very simple message features a whole slew of celebrities from all different walks of life inspired several generations of children and adults alike to reintroduce themselves to the benefits of drinking milk. The celebrity element of this ad extends itself far beyond the typical celebrity appearances, using references from movies and fictional characters alike, appealing to a hugely diverse target audience who were given the opportunity to understand that they too needed milk.

Demonstrations: “P90X Home workout system.” This program is several years old, I myself used it at one point, but through relentless infomercial based advertising and demonstrations combined with countless positive testimonials and undeniable results, this has become a home fitness juggernaut, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down in the least. Even amongst the professional sports communities and everyday joe’s alike, this exercise program promised a lot and delivered for a marginal payment (compared to your monthly gym membership) and only asked for a little dedication in return.

Recognition: “Verizon’s ‘Can you hear me now?’ spokesman.” Due to the use of a single well placed phrase in a very specific and understandable context, Verizon wireless created an instant pop-culture craze with the be-spectacled Verizon everyman, tirelessly trotting the globe to make sure your mobile phone service works almost everywhere. Never mind the near infinite number of comical references made to this pop-culture figure, the statement made its mark, and you would be hard pressed to find someone who owns a mobile phone that doesn’t know the reference.

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